Attendance Policy

Why is School Attendance Important? (Two reasons!)

  1. The staff members of UCHS are committed to the belief that attendance plays a major role in the overall development of each student. Daily attendance is identified as possibly the most essential requirement for every student. Success in school and in future academic goals can be achieved only by daily participation in class.
  1. In addition, paying for teachers, staff, lights, and the building is contingent on students attending school. The school/district receives roughly $47 dollars per day for each student attending school. If a student misses school, whether for illness or for any other excuse, the school/district does not earn the $47 dollar allotment. Last year, while the attendance rate was better for the school (approximately 96%), the three percent loss was a loss to the school/district of over $609,120.

Attendance is the Student's Responsibility:

 Click HERE for additional attendance information and a list of excused vs not excused absences

If a student is to be absent from school, his/her parent or guardian must CALL the ATTENDANCE OFFICE (619) 605-2800 each day of the absence. Any absence, which has not been cleared within five days, will be recorded as unexcused. Upon a student's third unexcused absence, student shall be classified as truant. If a student arrives after the school day has begun, he/she must report to the ATTENDANCE OFFICE for a pass to class. Missed bus, oversleeping, etc., with or without parent notification, will not be an excused tardy. After twenty-five minutes the student will be considered truant.

San Diego Unified School District Permits schools to conduct a Core Academy on Saturdays (CASSAS) which allows students to make up missed instructional days and enables schools to recover lost revenue. By participating, your child will have the opportunity to receive academic support and make up lost assignments. Students must clear their attendance in order to participate in UC High school's ASB dances, Prom, and graduation ceremony as explained in the student/parent handbook.

For each Saturday attended, the student will clear one day of absence, or six period absences and/or eight tardies.

Tardy and Absence Recovery Procedures 

In order to attend the school sponsored dances, prom and participate in the graduation ceremony, a student cannot have tardies or unexcused absences.

UCHS offers the following opportunities to clear a student's attendance:

Option 1: Lunch

Student serves Instructional lunch with teacher where tardy was earned.  By the end of the six week grading period, the tardy code (T) will be changed to tardy recovered (Y) for each lunch served. Two lunches would change an absence (A) to Q.  A new sheet will be started for the next six week progress period. 

Option 2: After School 

Student serves Instructional time afterschool with teacher where tardy was earned.  By the end of the six week grading period, the tardy code (T) will be changed to tardy recovered (Y) for each 30 minutes served. An Absence(A) would be changed to a Q for every hour served.  A new sheet will be started for the next six week progress period. 

Option 3: Core Academy: Supporting Student Achievement Success (CASSAS) Saturday School) Absences and Tardies

Core Academy provides students the opportunity to recover missed instructional days while receiving academic instruction and support. Core Academy classes are taught by a certificated instructor and allow students, and schools, to recover lost attendance. Core Academy is held on Saturdays 8 am to 12 noon in the UCHS Media Center (unless otherwise notified).

Enrichment classes such as field trips, AP/SAT preparation, cooking, and organized club practices are just a few of the many opportunities that may be offered. Teachers will be posting the classes they will offer - all students will have the opportunity to sign-up for these offerings.

A complete breakfast and lunch meal will be provided. Meals are provided at no cost to students.

One Core Academy clears one full day of unexcused absences (codes changed to K), four period absences (Codes changed to Q) or eight tardies (codes changed to Y).

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